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Getting Started

Create md files per each command, in format of parent-command, under the --docsPath directory.

for example, we have the next click python module:

# app/
import click'namer')
@click.option('--debug', help='Should I run on Debug?', is_flag=True)
def main(**kwargs):
  """ A namer CLI """
  debug = kwargs.get('debug')
  if debug:
    click.secho('is Debug? True', color='green')

@click.option('--name', help='The user name', required=True, type=str)
@click.option('--lastName', help='The last Name', required=False, type=str)
def full_name(**kwargs):
    """ A CLI that gets name and last name and returns the full name"""
    firstname = kwargs.get('name')
    lastname = kwargs.get('lastname')

    click.secho(f'The full name is: {firstname} {lastname}', color='yellow')

and we want to create a nice md files per each command, we'll run the next cli command:

> mdclick dumps --baseModule=app.cli --baseCommand=main --docPath=./docs/commands

The output:


As you can assume, all of the markdown files under docs/commands in this repository, generated automatically by mdclick command. Use them as a reference.